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Four Hand Piano Music

Wyneke Jordans, Leo van Doeselaar

Four Hand Piano Music

Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711525504905
Catnr: GLO 5049
Release date: 01 January 1991
1 CD
Catalogue number
GLO 5049
Release date
01 January 1991

About the album

Voortreffelijke interpretaties van de mooiste werken voor piano a quatre mains
Dit is, voor zover het zeker is, de eerste opname van Schuberts belangrijkste werken voor piano à quatre mains uitgevoerd op een historisch instrument. Het programma bevat onder andere de ongeëvenaarde Fantasie in f klein en het net zo unieke Thema en Variaties in As groot.

Het instrument dat voor deze opnames gebruikt werd is een originele fortepiano uit circa 1825, gebouwd door Friedrich Hoxa in Wenen. Tegenwoordig is het prachtige instrument in het bezit van Edwin Beunk, die het hersteld heeft tot zijn topconditie.

In het licht van de nog altijd groeiende interesse in authentieke uitvoeringen op historische instrumenten in de oorspronkelijke uitvoeringspraktijk waarin de componisten de werken moeten hebben voorgesteld, is dit zonder twijfel een belangrijke uitgave en bijdrage aan de catalogus.

Alle historische en musicologische argumenten terzijde, het is ook een opname waar de luisteraar van kan genieten, en die hij kan koesteren vanwege de voortreffelijke interpretaties van enkele van de mooiste klavierwerken die ooit gecomponeerd zijn!


Leo van Doeselaar (piano)

The versatile musician Leo van Doeselaar plays a repertoire comprising of several centuries as an organist, pianist and fortepianist. In his interpretations he strives for the greatest possible purity of style, and he performs on both period and modern instruments. As an organist he has built up a large concert practice in the Netherlands and abroad. He is also a much sought-after pianist, partners Wyneke Jordans in a widely acclaimed duo-piano team, and performs as an accompanist. As a soloist van Doeselaar has performed with various conductors, including Mariss Jansons, Riccardo Chailly, Charles Dutoit, Claus-Peter Flor, Frans Brüggen and David Zinman. As organist of the Baroque Orchestra of the Dutch Bach Society and titular organist of the Concertgebouw he has regularly performed...
The versatile musician Leo van Doeselaar plays a repertoire comprising of several centuries as an organist, pianist and fortepianist. In his interpretations he strives for the greatest possible purity of style, and he performs on both period and modern instruments. As an organist he has built up a large concert practice in the Netherlands and abroad. He is also a much sought-after pianist, partners Wyneke Jordans in a widely acclaimed duo-piano team, and performs as an accompanist.
As a soloist van Doeselaar has performed with various conductors, including Mariss Jansons, Riccardo Chailly, Charles Dutoit, Claus-Peter Flor, Frans Brüggen and David Zinman. As organist of the Baroque Orchestra of the Dutch Bach Society and titular organist of the Concertgebouw he has regularly performed with renowned orchestras and leading early music specialists.
Van Doeselaar has made several recordings, both as a soloist and as a duo with Wyneke Jordans. He has made the first integral recording of the organ works of Georg Friedrich Händel and Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, and has also made recordings of the works of Mozart, Bach, Krebs, Mendelssohn, van Noordt, Liszt, Franck en Reger on historic organs.



Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer. Schubert already died before his 32nd birthday, but was extremely prolific during his lifetime. His output consists of over six hundred secular vocal works (mainly Lieder), seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music and a large body of chamber and piano music. Appreciation of his music while he was alive was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death. Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Johannes Brahms and other 19th-century composers discovered and championed his works. Today, Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the late Classical and early Romantic eras and is one of the...
Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer. Schubert already died before his 32nd birthday, but was extremely prolific during his lifetime. His output consists of over six hundred secular vocal works (mainly Lieder), seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music and a large body of chamber and piano music. Appreciation of his music while he was alive was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death. Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Johannes Brahms and other 19th-century composers discovered and championed his works. Today, Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the late Classical and early Romantic eras and is one of the most frequently performed composers of the early nineteenth century.
It was in the genre of the Lied that Schubert made his most indelible mark. Prior to Schubert's influence, Lieder tended toward a strophic, syllabic treatment of text, evoking the folksong qualities engendered by the stirrings of Romantic nationalism. Schubert expanded the potentialities of the genre like no other composer before.



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